The Triune is a demonic cult, a band of peasant rabble brought over to the worship of evil by fear, desperation, or petty ambition. Uneducated and naive, these treacherous men and women babble incantations whose words they don't understand, hoping that the outcome will favor them as their demonic gods promised.
Triune Lore (History):
DC 15: The Triune is a lower-class demonic cult, made up of misled villagers who barely realize the extent to which they are endangering themselves. Triune cultists can summon minor demons to aid them in war, and some are even stupid enough to summon Abyssal spirits into their own bodies.
DC 20: Important to the cult's rituals are enchanted metal spikes called the "Teeth of Diablo." When used as a melee weapon by Triune soldiers, these artifacts increase the wielders physical strength and ferocity and can scar both the body and the mind of those whom they injure. Some Triune cultists will also jam these spikes into their own bodies, allowing a demonic spirit to possess them for a time.
Triune Acolyte (Level 4 Controller) (XP 175)
Medium Natural Humanoid (human)
Initiative +4 Perception +3
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 18 Fortitude 16 Reflex 16 Will 17
Speed 6
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Knife (at will):
One target within 1; +9 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage.
basic ranged attack Touch of Terror (at will):
One target within 6; +8 vs. Will; 1d10+4 psychic damage and target is dazed (save ends).
Summon Demon (recharges when the demon dies):
Close burst 6; a Small demonic creature appears in a vacant square within the burst. The demon has the same defenses as the cultist and one hit point (like a minion, it is never damaged by an attack that misses). The demon provides flanking to the cultist and its allies, and can make opportunity attacks, and has darkvision. As a minor action, the cultist can cause the demon to shift one square, or to move 6 squares. As a standard action, the cultist can cause the demon to make the following attack; melee basic; targets one enemy within 1; +9 vs. AC; 2d6+4 damage and target is marked until the end of the cultist's next turn.
Minor Actions
Lurking Darkness (recharge 6):
Burst 1 within 6; everything within the area gains total concealment from nonadjacent creatures until the end of the cultist's next turn.
Alignment Evil
Languages Common, Abyssal
Str 10 (+2) Con 14 (+4) Dex 14 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Wis 12 (+3) Cha 18 (+6)
Most Triune cultists fancy themselves mighty magicians and warlocks, but in truth they have been granted very minimal power and barely know how to use it.
The Triune Acolyte puts its summoned demon between itself and the enemy, hoping to maximize the demon's chances to make attacks of opportunity. If the enemy is adjacent to more than one ally - or if an enemy is too far away from the demon - the Acolyte will instead use Touch of Terror to daze the enemy, either letting the cultist's allies take advantage, or giving the cultist a chance to flee danger. Lurking Darkness is used both to inconvenience enemies as they fight the darkvision-equipped demon, and to give the Acolyte cover if it needs to escape.
If the demon is killed, the cultist will try to Summon another one on its next turn.
Triune Vessel (Level 5 Lesser Skirmisher) (XP 100)
Medium Natural Humanoid (human)
Initiative +8 Perception +2
HP 24
AC 19 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 16
Speed 6
Resist variable 15 (only while Activated)
Vulnerable: a critical hit instantly kills a lesser monster.
Saves: a lesser monster automatically fails all saving throws (while Activated, the vessel makes saving throws like a normal monster)
Foul Aura (only while Activated):
Aura 1; enemies within the aura suffer a -2 penalty to all defenses.
Standard Actions
basic ranged attack Club (at will):
One target within 1; +10 vs. AC; 9 damage (15 damage while Activated).
Activate (encounter):
The cultist whispers an unholy verse and the Tooth of Diablo embedded in its back begins to glow. The vessel is dazed until the end of its next turn. After that, it gains 15 temporary hit points, saving throws, a +6 bonus to damage, and can use its Demonic Celerity and Foul Aura abilities.
Move Actions
Demonic Celerity (at will; must be Activated):
The vessel shifts 6 squares.
Alignment Evil
Languages Common, Abyssal
Str 14 (+2) Con 12 (+4) Dex 18 (+4) Int 10 (+3) Wis 10 (+3) Cha 12 (+6)
The most fanatical of the Triune cultists will turn their Teeth of Diablo upon their own flesh, calling a demon to inhabit their bodies for the duration of the battle. While possessed, they become incoherent, screaming maniacs, having immense strength and speed and barely able to tell friend from foe.
As soon as the battle starts, the Vessel will move into what it thinks is a momentarily safe position and use Activate. This gives the PC's one round to kill the Vessels before they become possessed, significantly increasing their threat level. Once the Activation is complete, the Vessels attack in a frenzy, swarming the nearest enemy and letting their Foul Auras and enhanced Club attacks do their work. They always try to keep their enemies flanked, if not surrounded, by using Demonic Celerity whenever it is convenient.
Triune Berserker (Level 7 Brute) (XP 300)
Medium Natural Humanoid (human)
Initiative +6 Perception +3
HP 84; Bloodied 42
AC 19 Fortitude 21 Reflex 19 Will 21
Speed 7
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Fang of Diablo (at will):
One target within 1; +12 vs. AC; 2d8+8 normal and psychic damage and target is pushed 1 square.
Charge: if the berserker uses this as a charge attack, the target is knocked prone instead of pushed.
Shattering Blow (encounter; at will when bloodied):
Melee; one target within 1; +10 vs. AC; 32 normal and psychic damage. Miss: the berserker cannot move or attack until the end of its next turn.
Alignment Evil
Languages Common, Abyssal
Str 20 (+7) Con 20 (+7) Dex 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Wis 10 (+2) Cha 16 (+5)
Triune warriors wear fearsome, masked hoods, and wield a weapon made up of a Tooth of Diablo jammed through a wooden handle. These weapons hurt the body and mind of those they strike, and become more powerful from the berserker's own fear of death when it is bloodied.
The berserker's tactics are simple; charge the enemy, knock them down, and then use the opportunity to use Shattering Blow while they're prone. The berserker will use its melee basic attacks to push the enemy away from more fragile Triune Acolytes and other allies, shifting to keep themselves between. Upon being bloodied, the berserker becomes totally reckless, and uses Shattering Blow every turn.
In addition to the special units listed above, Triune cults are also likely to include common bandits, pirates, slavers, and rabble. Their magics are crude, but they may manage to bind minor evil creatures, like mindless undead, quasits, or Rylkars, to their service. They may also be drawn to the sites of more important demonic happenings, in which case they will be in service of greater demons, or competing with Fallen for the leavings of such.
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