Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Diablo Series: Gloom

Glooms are small, batlike demons, resembling tiny humanoids with horns, wings, and a tail. They tend to act as spies, informants, and messengers for other demons, though they can also be encountered alone or in small, scavenging flocks. Like the bats they resemble, they prefer to lair in dark, undisturbed places, preferably underground.

Gloom Lore (Dungeoneering, Arcana):

DC 20: these small demons are very agile in the air, and strong and vicious for a creature their size. Their smallness and dexterity makes them difficult targets, and their gliding speed allows them to close the distance before their victims can even defend themselves. More powerful glooms have other abilities, such as short-ranged teleportation and the power to conjure lightning.

Gloom (Level 2 Lesser Skirmisher) (62 XP)
Tiny Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +7 Perception +8 (darkvision)
HP 19
AC 16 Fortitude 14 Reflex 16 Will 14
Speed 4; fly 6

Resist 10 variable (1/encounter)
Vulnerable a lesser monster is instantly killed by a critical hit.
Saves a lesser monster automatically fails all saving throws.
Small Target
Glooms receive a +2 bonus to defenses against ranged attacks.
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Claws (at will):
One target within 1; +7 vs. AC; 8 damage.
Rapid Charge
Charge; the gloom can charge up to 12 squares, and receives +5 to hit rather than the usual +1.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 8 (+0) Con 14 (+3) Dex 18 (+5) Int 8 (+0) Wis 14 (+3) Cha 14 (+3)

The basic gloom is among the weakest of demons, armed only with claws, wings, and nastiness.

Blink (Level 8 Lesser Skirmisher) (175 XP)
Tiny Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +11 Perception +12 (darkvision)
HP 35
AC 22 Fortitude 20 Reflex 21 Will 20
Speed 4; fly 6

Resist 10 variable (2/encounter)
Vulnerable a lesser monster is instantly killed by a critical hit.
Saves a lesser monster automatically fails all saving throws.
Small Target
Glooms receive a +2 bonus to defenses against ranged attacks.
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Bloodletting Claws (at will):
One target within 1; +13 vs. AC; 14 damage.
Combat Advantage: ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Rapid Charge
Charge; the gloom can charge up to 12 squares, and receives +5 to hit rather than the usual +1.
Immediate Actions
Reactive Blink (reaction; when hit by an attack; at will);
The blink teleports to a vacant square within 2. Unlike most immediate actions, this can be used as often as the creature gets hit.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 10 (+4) Con 18 (+8) Dex 20 (+9) Int 8 (+3) Wis 16 (+7) Cha 14 (+6)

This breed of gloom is a bit stronger, having evolved in the darkness of the Abyss. Their claws are serrated, causing massive bleeding when they cut, and they can teleport a few meters away from harm, making them even more mobile. Blinks are more likely to be part of demonic armies than the common gloom.

Dark Familiar (Level 18 Lesser Skirmisher) (1,000 XP)
Tiny Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +20 Perception +17 (darkvision)
HP 67
AC 32 Fortitude 29 Reflex 31 Will 29
Speed 4; fly 6

Resist 20 variable (2/encounter)
Vulnerable a lesser monster is instantly killed by a critical hit.
Saves a lesser monster automatically fails all saving throws. 
Small Target
Glooms receive a +2 bonus to defenses against ranged attacks.
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Bloodletting Claws (at will):
One target within 1; +23 vs. AC; 20 damage.
Combat Advantage: ongoing 5 damage and target gains vulnerable 5 to electricity (save ends).
Electric Touch (at will):
Melee; one target within 2; +21 vs. Reflex; 20 electricity damage and target is dazed (save ends).
Rapid Charge
Charge; the gloom can charge up to 12 squares, and receives +5 to hit rather than the usual +1.
Immediate Actions
Reactive Blink (reaction; when hit by an attack; at will);
The blink teleports to a vacant square within 2. Unlike most immediate actions, this can be used as often as the creature gets hit.
Death Shock (reaction; when reduced to 0 hp);
Close burst 1; targets enemies within the burst; +21 vs. Reflex; 10 electricity damage.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 10 (+9) Con 22 (+15) Dex 28 (+18) Int 16 (+12) Wis 18 (+13) Cha 20 (+14)

Some glooms have a psychic link with a more powerful evil master. These dark familiars are unusually loyal for demons, not to mention stronger, having an electrifying attack.


Glooms of all three flavors use essentially the same tactics; Rapid Charge out of the cover of darkness, then gang up on a single enemy and try to bring it down. If the glooms have a chance to surprise their enemies, they'll try to make the opening charge from several directions, trying to hit the same one or two targets with as many attacks as possible. Blinks will use their Defensive Blink to keep the enemy flanked (allowing them to inflict ongoing damage), or to back up out of reach for another Charge. Dark Familiars move in and out of the enemies' reach every round, alternating Electric Touch attacks from a square away with close quarters Claws once the electricity has dazed the foe.

Diablo Series: Triune Cultists

The Triune is a demonic cult, a band of peasant rabble brought over to the worship of evil by fear, desperation, or petty ambition. Uneducated and naive, these treacherous men and women babble incantations whose words they don't understand, hoping that the outcome will favor them as their demonic gods promised.

Triune Lore (History):

DC 15: The Triune is a lower-class demonic cult, made up of misled villagers who barely realize the extent to which they are endangering themselves. Triune cultists can summon minor demons to aid them in war, and some are even stupid enough to summon Abyssal spirits into their own bodies.

DC 20: Important to the cult's rituals are enchanted metal spikes called the "Teeth of Diablo." When used as a melee weapon by Triune soldiers, these artifacts increase the wielders physical strength and ferocity and can scar both the body and the mind of those whom they injure. Some Triune cultists will also jam these spikes into their own bodies, allowing a demonic spirit to possess them for a time.

Triune Acolyte (Level 4 Controller) (XP 175)
Medium Natural Humanoid (human)
Initiative +4 Perception +3 
HP 44; Bloodied 22 

AC 18 Fortitude 16 Reflex 16 Will 17 
Speed 6
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Knife (at will):
One target within 1; +9 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage.
basic ranged attack Touch of Terror (at will):
One target within 6; +8 vs. Will; 1d10+4 psychic damage and target is dazed (save ends).
Summon Demon (recharges when the demon dies):
Close burst 6; a Small demonic creature appears in a vacant square within the burst. The demon has the same defenses as the cultist and one hit point (like a minion, it is never damaged by an attack that misses). The demon provides flanking to the cultist and its allies, and can make opportunity attacks, and has darkvision. As a minor action, the cultist can cause the demon to shift one square, or to move 6 squares. As a standard action, the cultist can cause the demon to make the following attack; melee basic; targets one enemy within 1; +9 vs. AC; 2d6+4 damage and target is marked until the end of the cultist's next turn.

Minor Actions
Lurking Darkness (recharge 6):
Burst 1 within 6; everything within the area gains total concealment from nonadjacent creatures until the end of the cultist's next turn.
Alignment Evil
Languages Common, Abyssal
Str 10 (+2) Con 14 (+4) Dex 14 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Wis 12 (+3) Cha 18 (+6)

Most Triune cultists fancy themselves mighty magicians and warlocks, but in truth they have been granted very minimal power and barely know how to use it.


The Triune Acolyte puts its summoned demon between itself and the enemy, hoping to maximize the demon's chances to make attacks of opportunity. If the enemy is adjacent to more than one ally - or if an enemy is too far away from the demon - the Acolyte will instead use Touch of Terror to daze the enemy, either letting the cultist's allies take advantage, or giving the cultist a chance to flee danger. Lurking Darkness is used both to inconvenience enemies as they fight the darkvision-equipped demon, and to give the Acolyte cover if it needs to escape.

If the demon is killed, the cultist will try to Summon another one on its next turn.

Triune Vessel (Level 5 Lesser Skirmisher) (XP 100)
Medium Natural Humanoid (human)
Initiative +8 Perception +2
HP 24
AC 19 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 16

Speed 6
Resist variable 15 (only while Activated)
Vulnerable: a critical hit instantly kills a lesser monster.
Saves: a lesser monster automatically fails all saving throws (while Activated, the vessel makes saving throws like a normal monster)
Foul Aura (only while Activated):
Aura 1; enemies within the aura suffer a -2 penalty to all defenses. 
Standard Actions
basic ranged attack Club (at will):
One target within 1; +10 vs. AC; 9 damage (15 damage while Activated).
Activate (encounter):
The cultist whispers an unholy verse and the Tooth of Diablo embedded in its back begins to glow. The vessel is dazed until the end of its next turn. After that, it gains 15 temporary hit points, saving throws, a +6 bonus to damage, and can use its Demonic Celerity and Foul Aura abilities.
Move Actions
Demonic Celerity (at will; must be Activated):
The vessel shifts 6 squares.

Alignment Evil
Languages Common, Abyssal
Str 14 (+2) Con 12 (+4) Dex 18 (+4) Int 10 (+3) Wis 10 (+3) Cha 12 (+6)

The most fanatical of the Triune cultists will turn their Teeth of Diablo upon their own flesh, calling a demon to inhabit their bodies for the duration of the battle. While possessed, they become incoherent, screaming maniacs, having immense strength and speed and barely able to tell friend from foe.


As soon as the battle starts, the Vessel will move into what it thinks is a momentarily safe position and use Activate. This gives the PC's one round to kill the Vessels before they become possessed, significantly increasing their threat level. Once the Activation is complete, the Vessels attack in a frenzy, swarming the nearest enemy and letting their Foul Auras and enhanced Club attacks do their work. They always try to keep their enemies flanked, if not surrounded, by using Demonic Celerity whenever it is convenient.

Triune Berserker (Level 7 Brute) (XP 300)

Medium Natural Humanoid (human)
Initiative +6 Perception +3
HP 84; Bloodied 42
AC 19 Fortitude 21 Reflex 19 Will 21

Speed 7
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Fang of Diablo (at will):
One target within 1; +12 vs. AC; 2d8+8 normal and psychic damage and target is pushed 1 square.
Charge: if the berserker uses this as a charge attack, the target is knocked prone instead of pushed.
Shattering Blow (encounter; at will when bloodied):
Melee; one target within 1; +10 vs. AC; 32 normal and psychic damage. Miss: the berserker cannot move or attack until the end of its next turn.
Alignment Evil
Languages Common, Abyssal
Str 20 (+7) Con 20 (+7) Dex 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Wis 10 (+2) Cha 16 (+5)

Triune warriors wear fearsome, masked hoods, and wield a weapon made up of a Tooth of Diablo jammed through a wooden handle. These weapons hurt the body and mind of those they strike, and become more powerful from the berserker's own fear of death when it is bloodied.


The berserker's tactics are simple; charge the enemy, knock them down, and then use the opportunity to use Shattering Blow while they're prone. The berserker will use its melee basic attacks to push the enemy away from more fragile Triune Acolytes and other allies, shifting to keep themselves between. Upon being bloodied, the berserker becomes totally reckless, and uses Shattering Blow every turn.


In addition to the special units listed above, Triune cults are also likely to include common bandits, pirates, slavers, and rabble. Their magics are crude, but they may manage to bind minor evil creatures, like mindless undead, quasits, or Rylkars, to their service. They may also be drawn to the sites of more important demonic happenings, in which case they will be in service of greater demons, or competing with Fallen for the leavings of such.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Diablo Series: Fallen

Back from my two months of silence, and ready to keep filling my homebrew monster manual. To celebrate the Diablo III beta, I'll start with a series of monsters from Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo franchise. We start today with everyone's favorite horrible, malicious, disgusting hellspawned imps, the fallen.

As creatures of chaos, demons resent anyone and anything that tries to impose order on them. This hatred extends even to their own demonic leaders and overlords, who they obey purely out of fear and desperation. Sometimes, when a powerful demon appears weak, some of its own minions may turn on it. If the coup is successful, the overlord is slain and its former minions enjoy their momentary freedom until they get bullied into following someone else. If the coup is unsuccessful, the demon lord punishes its rebellious underlings by transforming them into lowly, pathetic, implike creatures, known appropriately as "fallen."

In addition to being made from rebellious demons, fallen can breed among their own kind, resulting in endless crowds of these abyssal vermin. In their weakness, these beings are forced into an even greater level of servitude to survive in the Abyss, and are eager to take out their frustration and spite on whoever they can.

Fallen Lore (Dungeoneering):

DC 15: fallen are weak, cowardly scavengers that survive by taking what bigger demons leave behind. Rapid breeders, they use cheap tactics like superior numbers, ambushes, and attacking in pitch darkness, but they're so cowardly that the slightest setback will make them break ranks and flee for a moment. The sound of their voices is said to be especially horrible.

DC 20: fallen are the descendants of disobedient demons who were reduced to pitiful gremlins as punishment by their masters. Some fallen manage to rise above the bulk of their kind, either growing into larger brutes with battlecries that cause freezing horror, or recovering a fragment of their magic power and becoming despotic overlords. Overlords can burn their enemies with fire, and reanimate the bodies of common fallen.

Fallen Imp Stabber (Level 3 Minion Lurker) (37 XP)
Small Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +8 Perception +4 (darkvision)
HP 1; a minion is never damaged by an attack that misses.
AC 17 Fortitude 16 Reflex 16 Will 13
Speed 6

Resist 10 variable (1/encounter)
Hidden Tormentor
A fallen imp stabber receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls made from Cover or Concealment.
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Pitchfork (at will):
One target within 1; +8 vs. AC; 5 damage.
Combat Advantage: the attack deals 3 extra damage.

Immediate Actions 
Craven (reaction; when an ally within 5 is reduced to 0 hp):
The fallen is pushed its speed away from the enemy that landed the killing blow.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 16 (+4) Con 12 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Int 6 (-1) Wis 8 (+0) Cha 6 (-1)

Fallen Imp Carver (Level 3 Minion Soldier) (37 XP)
Small Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +6 Perception +4 (darkvision)
HP 1; a minion is never damaged by an attack that misses.
AC 19 Fortitude 16 Reflex 16 Will 13
Speed 6

Resist 10 variable (1/encounter)
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Curved Knife (at will):
One target within 1; +10 vs. AC; 5 damage and the fallen imp carver receives a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex against attacks made by the target until the beginning of its next turn.

Immediate Actions 
Craven (reaction; when an ally within 5 is reduced to 0 hp):
The fallen is pushed its speed away from the enemy that landed the killing blow.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 16 (+4) Con 12 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Int 6 (-1) Wis 8 (+0) Cha 6 (-1)

Fallen Imps are far and away the most common form of fallen. Stabbers use barbed, two-handed spears to attack, while carvers use swords and shields. The lowest of the low, these downtrodden creatures are so cowardly that they will reflexively scamper away in fright when they see an ally fall in battle.

Fallen imps are child-sized humanoids with big heads, ugly faces, gangly arms, and a pair of devilish horns. They sometimes scream and howl from the darkness before attacking, their high-pitched shrieks terrifying the enemy before the imps appear.


Fallen imps might be stupid and cowardly, but they have a rudimentary grasp of tactics.

Stabbers wait in pits, behind objects, and under piles of offal and garbage to ambush approaching enemies. If they lose their cover or concealment, they quickly try to reposition themselves to get it back. If possibly, they will try to steal and extinguish an adventurer's light source, so that they can attack from the darknes. Carvers try to flank the enemy, ganging up on whoever seems to be the most dangerous melee combatant.

The imps' Craven reaction is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it allows them to quickly disperse at unexpected times, making them less vulnerable to area attacks and possibly getting them away from deadly melee enemies. On the other, it frees up any enemies they had pinned down and gives ranged characters an opportunity to hit them from afar.

Fallen Brute (Level 3 Brute) (150 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +7 Perception +4 (darkvision)
HP 48; Bloodied 24
AC 15 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 13
Speed 6

Resist 10 variable (3/encounter)
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Spiked Club (at will):
One target within 1; +9 vs. AC; 2d6+3 damage.

Minor Actions  
Intimidating Shriek (encounter):
Close burst; targets enemies within 10; +6 vs. Will; target receives a -2 penalty to defenses against the fallen brute's attacks until the end of the encounter.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 18 (+5) Con 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Int 6 (-1) Wis 8 (+0) Cha 10 (+1)

When a fallen imp proves strong and brutish enough to live for longer than a few years, the creature begins to grow in size, becoming stronger and tougher than most of its brethren. These brutes use their physical strength to beat the lesser imps into obedience.


As soon as the battle begins, the brute will approach the enemy and use Intimidating Shriek, hopefully catching all of them within the burst. After that, the brute simply charges around the battlefield, trying to land its Spiked Club on a different enemy every turn if it can. The brute generally prefers to attack enemies it has Combat Advantage over or who look badly injured, but its all-consuming hatred still compels it to strike as many different foes as it can.

Fallen Overseer (Level 5 Artillery (leader)) (200 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +3 Perception +6 (darkvision) 
HP 48; Bloodied 24 
AC 17 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 18 

Speed 5 
Resist 10 variable (3/encounter)
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Dagger (at will):
One target within 1; +10 vs. AC; 1d4+1 damage.
basic ranged attack Burn Flesh (at will):
One target within 10; +8 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+4 fire damage.
Critical Hit: target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Revive Imp (recharge 4, 5, 6):
Range 10; a dead fallen imp is brought back to life at 1 hp and acts on its turn.
Minor Actions
Fiery Death (once per round, at will):
Close burst; targets one allied fallen within 10; if the fallen dies before the end of the overseer's next turn, it explodes; close burst 1, targets all creatures within the burst; +8 vs. Reflex; 5 fire damage. While under this spell, the fallen is covered in a visible, reddish heat shimmer.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 10 (+2) Con 16 (+5) Dex 16 (+5) Int 6 (-1) Wis 10 (+2) Cha 16 (+5)

Obsequious fallen who managed to sneak their way into the good graces of a greater demon are given a fraction of their old power back, and the ability to control the lesser fallen. These mini-tyrants are the leaders within what passes for fallen society.

Overseers are taller than common imps, almost as tall as a typical human. They are thin and wispy, with a wrinkled, elderly appearance. They often decorate themselves with rags and bits of metal or jewelry that they find.


When a fallen overlord is present on the battlefield, any other fallen present will switch their Variable Resistance to fire, so as to protect themselves from friendly fire from their fellows' Fiery Deaths. At the end of every turn, the overlord casts Fiery Death on the underling it considers most likely to die in the immediate future, preferring ones that are flanked so that the explosion will hit multiple enemies. Keep in mind that even exploded imps can be brought back with Revive Imp.

If an imp has died within the last turn or so, and its square is a tactically useful one, the overlord will Revive it to continue fighting. Otherwise, the overlord uses Sear Flesh every round.

Overlords prefer to stay as far away from the enemy as possible, and preferably behind a wall of underlings. They will only use their daggers when cornered, as a last resort.


Fallen stay close to other demons and destructive beings, so that they can overwhelm those who are already injured from other battles. They are likely to infest the less trafficked parts of demon-inhabited fortresses and dungeons, often lairing near a trap or other hazard. Fallen are crafty enough to use unintelligent creatures against their enemies; vermin like spiders, centipedes, and oozes are often herded into places where they can be useful.

Sometimes, fallen will be impressed into the service of a greater master, in which case they can be fought alongside all manner of other demons and similar creatures. Generally speaking, they will attempt to flee their service as soon as it appears feasible.