Monday, May 7, 2012

Diablo Series: Megademon

Megademon Scourge (Level 27 Brute) (11,000 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +21 Perception +19
HP 252; Bloodied 126
AC 39 Fortitude 40 Reflex 39 Will 39

Speed 6; fly 5 (clumsy)
Resist 30 variable (2/encounter) 
Passive Abilities
Smoking Blood (aura; bloodied only):
Aura 2; enemies that end their turn within the aura take 10 fire and poison damage; all creatures within the aura gain concealment.
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Abyssal Sword (at will):
Targets one enemy within 2; +32 vs. AC; 4d8+12 damage.
basic ranged attack Venom Bolt (at will):
Range 10; targets one enemy; +30 vs. Fort; 3d8+8 poison damage and the target is slowed and receives a -5 penalty to saving throws (save ends both).
Breath Weapon (recharge 5, 6):
Close blast 2; +30 vs. Reflex; 4d8+12 fire damage and ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends).
Effect: until the end of the demon's next turn, its Abyssal Sword deals fire damage and targets reflex.
Buffeting Wings (interrupt; when the demon is flanked):
Close burst 2; targets enemies within the burst; +32 vs. AC; 3d8+8 damage and target is pushed out of the burst.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 24 (+20) Con 28 (+22) Dex 26 (+21) Int 20 (+18) Wis 22 (+19) Cha 26 (+21)

Megademon Vortex Dancer (Level 30 Lesser Skirmisher) (9,500 XP)
Medium Elemental Humanoid (demon)
Initiative +25 Perception +21
HP 108
AC 45 Fortitude 43 Reflex 41 Will 41

Speed 6; fly 5 (clumsy)
Resist 30 variable (2/encounter) 
Vulnerable a lesser monster is instantly killed by a critical hit.
Saves a lesser monster automatically fails all saving throws.
Standard Actions
basic melee attack Red Hot Sword (at will):
Targets one enemy within 2; +35 vs. AC; 25 normal and fire damage.
Breath Weapon (recharge 4, 5, 6):
Close blast 2; +33 vs. Reflex; 20 fire damage and the demon teleports 5 squares.
Buffeting Wings (reaction; when the demon is reduced to 0 hp):
Close burst 2; targets enemies within the burst; +35 vs. AC; target is pushed out of the burst.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Abyssal
Str 30 (+25) Con 30 (+25) Dex 26 (+23) Int 20 (+20) Wis 22 (+21) Cha 26 (+23)